Shiatsu Shiatsu is a massage technique with its origin in Japan, and has a long rich history in the tradition of healthcare. The essence of shiatsu is a holistic approach, where feeling and thinking go hand in hand. Everything is, has its origin and is being influenced by one and the same flow: Ki (life energy). Nature always strives balance, which is the essence of life: to live as a continuous movement and interaction of Ki..
Shiatsu means pressure with fingers and is also called ‘acupressure’. The technique is based on the principle that disruptions in muscles, nerves and organs reveal themselves in the network of meridians, also known as energy tracks, where the Ki flows. Acupuncture and shiatsu work on specific meridians to neutralize blockages. The rotation and stretching of joints have the same outcome: to let Ki flow. This technique will make a difference on both a physical as a mental level. It activates your ability to self-healing. Shiatsu will abolish old patterns and blockages and reaches the innate source of your (physical) complaints.
‘Wholesomeness in life is our most important goal’, says Shizuto Masunaga. He is the founder of Zen-Shiatsu and roots his method on anatomy, physiology and Eastern healthcare and philosophy. Zen-shiatsu is a meditative form of shiatsu. The combination of these different forms of attention makes it very powerful.
The shiatsu treatments will be given on a low table. For the receiver it is most comfortable to wear (preferably cotton) baggy clothes. I offer different exercises (Do-In) to support the treatment.
Shiatsu therapy is beneficial for:
- Back, neck and shoulder issues, RSI
- Trouble with digestion and intestines.
- Stress related complaints
- Allergies
- Headache and fatigue, burn-out
- PMS and menstruation complaints
- Emotional complaints and sleeping disorder.
I also have experience in supporting people who are in the process of cancer treatment.
Shiatsu is experienced as very supportive, both physically as mentally. Read more at ‘Do-In, Restorative Do-In classes’.
SHIATSU | Barbara Diederiks | Shiatsu Massage Amsterdam